Hi list.

Im about to implement some VPN tunnels at work.
We already run a few tunnels from BSD to BSD that works great, but now we need to allow some of our employees to connect from home.

Setup looks something like this:

LAN -- FreeBSD firewall -- Internet -- ADSL router -- Windows 2k

Is it possible to build a VPN from the w2k machine to the FreeBSD firewall, prefferably using already existent software?
I know its possible to connect FreeBSD and w2k if they both have static IP's, but in this case the w2k is behind nat and the ADSL router has a dynamic IP.
How do others solve this? I mean, there must be someone that has users with laptops, homeoffices and whatever that connects to their work using VPN and FreeBSD. I dont mind using other software besides IPSec, but I do prefer free solutions since Im on a very low budget for this.
All suggestions, experiences or ideas are much appriciated.


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