On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 11:16:13AM -0500, Mark Haney wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to FreeBSD, choosing it about two months ago as my first venture into
> the open-source OS world. I installed 4.6.0 from CD, and have updated to 4.7
> RELEASE via CVSUP. I also updated my ports collection from CVSUP, but haven't
> upgraded any of my installed ports yet.
> It took about 1.5 hrs for the CVSUP from 4.6.0 to 4.7, and another 2 hours for
> the build (on a P3-500 with 128MB RAM).
> My question is... Is it realistic to upgrade via ports with a 56K modem? I tried
> installing a few small things via ports, and it worked well, but I'm wondering
> how long it will take to download and build things like the XFree86, or GNOME.
> Do these things take days, or might I be able to accomplish it overnight?

It is quite realistic.  A back-of-the-envelope calculation indicates
that downloading the distfile for XFree86-4 over a 56K modem should
take something like 3 hours.  Buildtime for you is probably somewhat
less than that.  I believe GNOME is of similar size.
So you will most likely be able to do it overnight.

> Thanks in advance for answers to these questions, or any other tips on keeping
> FreeBSD up to date via ports and 56k modem. (Please copy me in replies, as I'm
> not subscribed to the list.)

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Erik Trulsson

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