rehash re-reads the paths for csh and derivitives
for i't in-store copy of where executables are stored.

is only activated on boot, or when you goto single user
mode and then back to mult-user mode
(shutdown now, ^D)

you can enable the linux stuff manually as user root
by typing either 'linux' or 'kldload linux'

Quoting erk! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Tue, 29 Oct 2002 1:40:34 -0500
> Steve Wingate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > rehash doesn't re-read rc.conf AFAIK
> i'm pretty sure it does..i could be wrong, though, but i seem to recall
> it working fine when i added 'linux_enable="YES"' awhile back. 
> - erk
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