Ivan Sychev wrote:
> My CDROM attached as primary device on controller and i`m booting from
> FreeBSD bootable CD. When i hit "commit" i sees following: can`t mount
> cdrom. input/output error.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jens Rehsack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Ivan Sychev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 11:28 PM
> Subject: Re: FBSD doesn't install from CDROM Creative Infra 54
> > > I have one question. Why FreeBSD don`t installing from my Creative
> > > CDROM(infra 54) 36x?
> > > Thank you.
> >
> > Hi Ivan,
> >
> > I assume (next time it would be nice you attach a dmesg output or some
> > details 'bout the hardware your question is related to) your CDROM is
> > an ATAPI CDROM, it's attached on the second channel an is jumpered as
> > slave.
> >
> > If this is true, your computer configuration hits the ATAPI standards
> > which say (in other words): an ATAPI slave device is allowed only if
> > there is a master device on the same channel.
> >
> > So FBSD install cannot work right in that case, because your system
> > lacks the standards.
> >
> > If my assumtion is wrong, please re-sent your question using a mail
> > subject and submit a little more details, please.

Hi Ivan,

1st: can you take a look at the output on console 2 (press Alt+2) and
 send it to me.
2nd: can you find out the lines where the kernel finds the cdrom during
 boot and send them, too.
3rd: could you please CC every message in a thread to the appropriate
 mailing list, too?
4th: please don't top posting. It's more comfortable for most people
 reading from top to bottom to gain the entire message and not reading
 your answer before the could read the questions / assumtions I sent.

L     i  W     W     W  i                 Jens Rehsack
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