On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 03:37:52PM +0000, Wayne Pascoe wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm struggling to setup a VPN. I'm now reading through
> http://www.daemonnews.org/200101/ipsec-howto.html
> and this is confusing me even more :( 
> Reading this, I see:
> However, if your goal is to set up a VPN, that is, link 2
> widely-separated networks together over the Internet, then you'll
> probably want to use ESP/tunnel mode.
> The example then goes on to show
> spdadd any -P out ipsec
>          esp/transport/;
> which is transport mode, no ? 
Yes, this is transport mode.
AFAIK the article describes a situation where you encapsulate the
packets using IPIP (gif tunnel), which is then encapsulated using ESP
(transoprt mode). Not sure this is a correct impression and if yes, why.
> Can anyone point me at a decent howto to link 2 networks together? I'm
> trying to setup 2 VPN gateways so that everything behind each of those
> talks to everything behind the other one via a VPN. 
> I'm also confused about the ifconfig instructions for the gif0
> device. I've got 2 network cards going with one being the external
> device
> ( and respectively)
> and the other for the internal network
> ( and respectively)
> What should my gifconfig and ifconfig lines be ? 

Last time I tried I just used

spdadd any -P out ipsec

and an analogous line for the other direction.
And, surprise, it worked. I think.
What do you care what other people think?

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