On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 01:23:57PM -0600, Ed McGough wrote:
> What is the best way to resolve these?
> > ad0s1e: UDMA ICRC error reading fsbn 897759 of 144-159 (ad0s1 bn 897759;
> cn 55 tn 225 sn 9) retrying
> > ad0s1a: UDMA ICRC error reading fsbn 45439 of 22688-22719 (ad0s1 bn 45439;
> cn 2 tn 211 sn 16) retrying
> > ad0s1a: UDMA ICRC error reading fsbn 39391 of 19664-19695 (ad0s1 bn 39391;
> cn 2 tn 115 sn 16) retrying
> > ad0s1a: UDMA ICRC error reading fsbn 39391 of 19664-19695 (ad0s1 bn 39391;
> cn 2 tn 115 sn 16) retrying
> What else can I do besides running fsck?  Are there any other utilites to
> check the disk, maybe something from the ports tree?
Most (all?) disk manafacturers have free diagnostic programs you can
download from their websites. Take a look ....

   Cliff Sarginson 
   The Netherlands

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