I don't think that FreeBSD-Questions is the forum for this discussion.

 - Michael Hogsett

> Erik writes:
> > Have you read any of the license agreements normally
> > accompanying commercial software?  The big companies
> > generally don't guarantee a bloody thing about the
> > software, least of all that it will work correctly.
> Yes, they do, and generally they will support what they sell.  If they
> don't, it soon ceases to sell.  The extensive disclaimers in licensing
> agreements are mainly to protect against liability, not to avoid providing
> support.
> Additionally, many vendors charge for support beyond a certain minimum.
> While this is not included with the original purchase, at least it is
> available--the same cannot be said for most open-source software.
> > Just because you demand it doesn't mean they will
> > even acknowledge that the bug exists, let alone fix it.
> They will, and they do.  Most vendors know who is paying their bills.
> > You can make demands on open source programmers
> > too.  It won't do you any good, but you can do it.
> And that's why open-source software is risky for important applications and
> large organizations.
> > You can't make the big companies fix their software
> > either.
> Yes, you can.  They want your money, and they know they'll stop getting it
> if you are dissatisfied with support.
> > For proof of this consider Microsoft and all the
> > viruses targeting Outlook Express.
> Microsoft didn't write the viruses, and the viruses are not bugs, so I don't
> see the relevance of this comment.
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