> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Mark wrote:
> > Worse even, how do I safely restore the "/" filesystem? (should it ever
> > become corrupted).
> The last time I needed to do that, I booted to the Fixit system
> on CD2 and used the tools there to newfs/restore from backup.

But what to do if you did your dumps to tape and the fixit disk does not
have the right tapedriver?
one would like to be able to restore the tape-dumps...

You build a custom boot disk with a custom kernel (Handbook). That's what I
tried. But: the MINI kernel doesn't fit on the disk, and I stripped it
a -lot- :(   (my 4.7 MINI kernel is still about 1.2M with ATA-tape drivers)

So Now I'm looking at making a custom Live-cd
Probably I'll have a look at PicoBSD as well

Maybe someone has a better suggestion?

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,

R.J. Zoontjens

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