I am trying to make use of an Apple Stylewriter (a rebadged Canon BubbleJet) and am stuck.

I have a driver that I know works (I tried it on another machine) but I am having trouble setting the output to be written to the serial port. I know there is some communication there as I hear some suggestive grunts as the printer takes up the paper. Also when I kill the print jobs that never seem to print, it makes a lot of "re-adjusting the sheet feeder" noises. So I'm sure there is something getting across the wire, but I'd like more than just job control signals.

I have all the relevant printcap entries set up and chkprintcap has blessed them.

Here's one:

The stylps script came with the driver:

/usr/local/bin/gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sDEVICE=pbmraw -r360x360 \
-sOutputFile=- - \

Here's an example of what I am doing:
[/usr/home/paul/src/stylewriter]:: enscript /etc/motd -d stylps
[ 1 pages * 1 copy ] sent to stylps
1 lines were wrapped

The control file and the data file get created:
-rw-rw---- 1 daemon wheel 105 Nov 13 21:39 cfA022green.paulbeard.org
-rw-rw---- 1 paul wheel 12038 Nov 13 21:39 dfA022green.paulbeard.org

What am I missing in this Rube Goldberg[1] arrangement?

I have the serial port of /dev/cuaa0 linked to the /dev/stylewriter device. Right now, I'd be happy to get some staircased gibberish to display, but I can't even get that far.

1. http://www.rube-goldberg.com/html/oversleeping.htm

Paul Beard / 8040 27th Ave NE / Seattle WA 98115 /
paulbeard [at] mac [ dot] com / 206 529 8400

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