On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 12:04:58AM +0000, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 12:44:54AM +0100, Cliff Sarginson wrote:
> > I am in the business of re-arranging my disk layouts to reflect the
> > realities if life :)
> > My FreeBSD system currently runs on a SCSI-3 Disk, but I have two
> > modern, fast IDE disks that will be gaining a considerable amount of
> > free space in the re-arrangements. I tend to run during the course of
> > the day several extremely memory loving programs which cause
> > paging/swapping to occur. I would like opinions on whether I would
> > notice an improvement if I moved the swap area (which lives on the SCSI
> > disk with the rest of the system) to the front of one of the IDE disks.
> > I intend to make a new slice on the IDE disk anyway.
> A good thing to do is to put a swap partition on each disk[*].  That
> permits the system to maximize IO throughput while paging.  You can
> divide up your total required swap space between the three disks
> however you want, but remember that to be able to get a system crash
> dump, you need at least one of your swap areas to be slightly larger
> than the amount of RAM in your machine.  Having approximately equally
> sized swap areas gets the absolute maximum performance out of the
> machine --- see The Handbook, Section
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/configtuning-initial.html
All good reminders, I think that is what I will end up doing.
> [*] so long as the IDE drives are on different channels --- you won't
> gain anything by having swap areas (or any areas of high disk IO for
> that matter) on both Master and Slave on the same channel.
Oh yes, they are, the other channels are a DVD player and a CD burner.


   Cliff Sarginson 
   The Netherlands

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