Am Montag, 28. März 2005 08:23 schrieb Alexander Chamandy:
> On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 07:17:31 +0200, Emanuel Strobl
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > my testbed lacks of Ethernet Ports so one machine has no connection to my
> > DNS, no problem, there is something called /etc/hosts I thought.
> > It works if I ping 'hostname', but how can I find out the IP of
> > 'hostname' from the command line? dig and host want to contact the DNS
> > server, also nslookup does, so I think I need a utility which uses the
> > gethostbyname(3) function. Is there one? Unfortunately I can't write one
> > myself, at least not in a reasonable amount of time....
> May I ask what you're trying to do with the machine?  If you just want
> local DNS resolution for experimentation you may try running BIND 9 or
> TinyDNS.

No DNS experiments, I'm very well equiped (authoritative DNS). It's just that 
my local subnet (productive) has not enough ethernet ports so one 
test-machine (in another subnet) cannot be connected to the local net and the 
two other subnets are for testing only, so none routes to my productive 
Everything is working fine, just curiosity..


> > Thanks,
> >
> > -Harry

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