Ended up being a time synching issue, in case anyone wanted to know.


Chuck Robey wrote:

Matt Juszczak wrote:

I think everyone is misunderstanding my issue here. I setup 5 FreeBSD servers at once, we are converting our mail server, web server, DNS server, spam gateway, and transparent proxy machine over all at once to FreeBSD (well, in steps...but...).

My experience with freebsd is considered intermediate. I installed all these boxes from the ISO. The FIRST thing I did after the install was complete was a:

pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui
cvsup /etc/ports-supfile (I made the supfile)
cvsup /etc/ports-supfile
cd /usr/ports/shells/bash2
make install
cd /usr/ports/editors/pico
make install

I did not type anything else in between in the initial install and those commands above. The pico and bash installs failed, and only happened on this one machine. The other machines work fine.

Therefore, in my opinion, either something is wrong with the hardware of the box, or something was wrong with the ISO I downloaded, because I didn't type enough commands to be able to mess anything up.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Matt, I have a bad habit of misreading mails. I know I dod it, I try pretty hard, but I know i do it, and so I'll admit that right up front here, and tell you that the chances are pretty good that I did it here, although I re-read the first mail, and still don't see where I did that. It seemed to me that you were saying that you were doing a fist time install, but approachig it as if you were doing a kernel rebuild for the first time.

I think (from your response) that you are probably telling me what's wrong, incorrectly. Like I said, I know I do that, and I want to admit it so that you do understand me.

I know .... I probably deleted earlier mails that explained it better, because I don't see anywhere in your mail any comment about 5 systems ... is that it?


Chuck Robey wrote:

Matt Juszczak wrote:

Still can't figure out how to get my FreeBSD machine to work properly. I've tried everything.

Download the ISO on Wednesday, Mar 23rd, from ftp.freebsd.org. standard install, cvsup'd the ports, and tried to install /usr/ports/editors/pico, /usr/ports/shells/bash2, and a couple other ports.

The output of the bad compile of pico and bash are below:


I tried memtest, a hard drive test, etc. I don't understand how a clean install of freebsd 5.3 - RELEASE could be doing this.

Looking at your listings, you aren't trying to do a clean install, you're trying to do a complete rebuild. If you don't have your system completely built ALREADY at this point, it's a bit like trying to buy a car by putting one together, armed with a nice screwdriver.

Back up, tell us if you have a system installed. IF that's true, then stop complaining about trying to install a system, because you have that, instead begin researching (by using the FreeBSD handbook) how to recompile a kernel. If you aren't at least somewhat of a programmer, then you're going to need to get a friend who IS one to help you out ... maybe, learn how to use the FreeBSD IRC channel, it's fairly good.

The way it goes is, first yo uget yourself a system installed, then you worry about getting a system recompiled. Along the way you will do a whole lot of learning.

BUT stop complaining about not getting your system to "work properly" unless that really is your problem, cause all you're going to do is confuse and upset people who want to help you.

For the record, I cvsup'd to cvsup2, and I've tried that server on another already installed 5.3-RELEASE and it worked fine. Please, any suggestions would be appreciated. I've never seen anything like this before.



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