On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 04:58:27 +0200, Danny Pansters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 March 2005 04:42, Gert Cuykens wrote:
> > Why does x server always use a avarage of 1% cpu time while i am doing
> > nothing ? Everything els is 0% except x and enlightenment ?
> Probably the load of showing content or waiting for input, and the like. X is
> big. It also uses a lot (if possible an awful lot) of memory. Showing
> graphics can be a complicated thing which can require the cpu to do some work
> now and then (think placement, repainting, frequency locking, and so on and
> having to wait for those and catch the signals if they change).
> If I would have my TV viewer running (kmplayer) and do nothing for an extended
> period of time I bet it would show a lot more cpu than 1% still.
> Same with websites that use heavy and/or broken javascripts or flash. Can yank
> up cpu easily even for common tasks. I have a brand new oven (thats an intel
> mobo with a 3.4 GHz processor) and it gets a lot more noisy (fans spinning
> faster) when making world (in 35 minutes) or playing a dvd or a low bandwidth
> encoded mediastream in (k)mplayer. Anything that makes the cpu really have to
> work.
> Besides, the optimal cpu time used for any process is 100% as they all compete
> for cpu bandwidth (if the system would be under duress). So basically your
> system is doing great and is not overloaded at all. It's gravely underused
> one might argue ;-)

What is the difference between a console and a xserver ? My console is
always 0% and it has a mouse too just as the xserver showing the same
thing ?
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