
How do I see the fingerprints of my ssh keys, both user and host keys?

I know I can get the fingerprint of the host key by removing the host from my known hosts and connecting, but there ought to be some more straight forward way, and what about the user keys?

And how do I determine the key lenght from the public key file?

Thanks, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818                           web: http://www.locolomo.org
S/MIME Certificate: http://www.locolomo.org/crt/2004071206.crt
Subject ID:  A9:76:7A:ED:06:95:2B:8D:48:97:CE:F2:3F:42:C8:F2:22:DE:4C:B9
Fingerprint: 4A:E8:63:38:46:F6:9A:5D:B4:DC:29:41:3F:62:D3:0A:73:25:67:C2
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