Manuel Manuel wrote:
Hi there,

I'm looking for a 6-CURRENT bootonly CD image. ... tells me the following:

"If you're interested in a purely experimental snapshot release of
FreeBSD-CURRENT (AKA 6.0-CURRENT), aimed at developers and bleeding-edge
testers only, then please see the daily snapshot server FTP site."

Unfortunately I didn't find an appropriate image there.

The readme file above, does not mention the 6-CURRENT release and everything
on this server looks quite old to me. Am I looking at the wrong place?

Where can I find a bootonly cd image which lets me boot with it and download
a 6-CURRENT snapshot via FTP? If there does not exist something like that, what
is the best and recommended way to install a 6-CURRENT release? (Yes, I want
to develop on this machine if someone is going to ask me that.)

If someone could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.


You need to subscribe to the FreeBSD-Current list for questions like this. Next, on the FBSD site, on the right side, seek Snapshot Releases.

It only takes a little thinking and reading of the site.

-- Best regards, Chris

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