On Apr 8, 2005 12:00 PM, WOLOSCHAK, FRANK, JR (FRANK)
> Good Morning,
> I am having problems installing FreeBSD 5.3. It appears that the installation 
> options do not include: "Configure XFree86 Server" and "Configure XFree86 
> Desktop". I am aware that version 5.3 now uses "Xorg" vice "Xfree86" as the 
> default X-Windows system.
That is correct Xorg is the new default X window system in 5.3

> I am fluent in several varies of Unix (Solaris, HPUX, Red Hat, SCO), but am 
> new to FreeBSD. When installing FreeBSD 5.0, I was given the 2 above options, 
> and was able to set a Gnome Desktop.

> Numerous attempts to install FreeBSD 5.3, I was never given the above 
> options, and although I was eventually able to get a brain-dead Gnome desktop 
> to appear, I couldn't do anything with it.
> 1) Why doesn't the FreeBSD 5.3 install give configuration options for the 
> X-Windows server and desktop?

This I don't know the answer to but I'm assumiing it's because Xorg is
the new X window system
> 2) If the answer to #1 is that the "Xorg" implementation doesn't contain 
> these, then please help me find the "easiest" way to setup the Gnome desktop 
> following a new fresh installation.
Easiest way to set up X is to type at the command prompt when logged in as root:

That will start a wizard which will ask questions about your hardware.
Be sure to have these answers before you start such as what type of
video card...hsync and vert refresh of your monitor. Once the wizard
is done it will write a config file to use with X

Make sure gnome is installed through sysinstall or through the ports

After the configuration is done go into your home directory and edit
(or create if it does not exist) .xinitrc and type in for gnome
(though I'm unsure so you might want to look this up). gnome-session.
> My intent is to continue playing with FreeBSD, and explore "kick start" here 
> at work.
> Thank you for your help,
> Have A Wonderful Day,
> Ivan
> Frank "Ivan" Woloschak
> AG Communication Systems
> 623.581.4123      Beeper: 888.235.4081
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