--- Julian Stacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reference:
> > From:               NMH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Date:               Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:30:37 -0700 (PDT) 
> > Message-id:
> NMH wrote:
> > Hi all
> >   I know hard drives tend to not run well when
> near
> > full. They have trouble performing self
> adjustments
> > (hardware), self defragging(unix/FFS) etc..
> I usually run near full.
> I dont have problems ('cept overflow ;-)
> man tunefs 
> & you'll realise most FS's arent run full anyway
> (but even if I
>       tunefs -m 0  -o space
> I dont normally have problems ( though OK, it'd be
> slow if multi person usage)

 If you do man tunefs it you will see how it warns
that less than 15% is dangerous. (even though normally
only 8% is reserved. It's especially dangerous when
you have Many Many files. (and a large hard drive -
thus more to manage) 

> Cross posting 2 lists is deprecated, so I dropped
> freebsd-hardware@
> as this question is too basic for hardware@ as well

 For shame. A "your question is too dumb to have
written to our mailing list"? I hope you are not
trying to represent the great open arms of FreeBSD and
the questions mailing list. My Question is quite
appropriate for either list. Nor should someone even
be given the feeling their questions are too basic to
bother us with! (unless your aim is to drive people
 However, I was hoping someone could point me more
towards a white paper or some such other information.
Such as that used by the man page for tunefs, that
recommends not using more than 15% or drive capcity
and how performance can degrade 3 fold of the
performance at 10%. So that I can work up my own
percentages for my type of file usage. (and yes Inode
usage is fine) 


> -
> Julian Stacey        Net & Sys Eng Consultant,
> Munich       http://berklix.com
> Mail in Ascii (Html=Spam).  Ihr Rauch = mein
> allergischer Kopfschmerz.
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