* Sergei Gnezdov [2005-04-12 00:00 -0700]
>  The man page says that colors are set in the form of
>       "exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
>  This is very different from bd=3d40;33;01: style.

These are two different ls's and two different man pages.

The one you are talking about is the ls(1) program in FreeBSD, while the 
other one is the ls-F builtin in tcsh, documented in the tcsh(1) man page.
The poster suggested to setup ls as an alias for ls-F when using tcsh as 
the latter supports a wide range of colour-option while being faster than 
ls(1). ls(1) uses $LSCOLOR while ls-F uses $LS_COLOR. These have different 

It is also possible to use the GNU ls(1) which has a third way of defining 
its colorization. 

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