jason henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Glyn Millington wrote:
>>I'm a newcomer to FreeBSD, an immigrant from the wonderful world of
>>Slackware Linux. Finished installing on Sunday!
>>I wanted to make sure the system was up to date with regard to security
>>fixes etc so used cvsup to upgrade  source and re-built the kernel - it
>>all went like a dream - what a system!!  What documentation!!
> Hold on,  just the kernel or the kernel and world.  You have to keep 
> these in sync on FreeBSD.
> Just checking because I hear you can just upgrade the linux kernel to 
> your hearts content without messing with the other stuff on the system.

Bless you, no, I did the lot! Buildworld, installworld, the works as
described in the handbook.  And was staggered by how straightforward it
was, to be honest.

No, my question was about swapping the target for cvsup at the point when
5.4 becomes a "production release" - can I then simply track 5.4 for
security releases etc or will that cause complications with a system that
has tracked 5-stable for the few days it has been in existence.  It sems
form the various replies I've had that there should be no problem.

Many thanks

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