Danny Howard wrote:

I'm not entirely sure on this one ... you have RTFM?

Obviously. I started with the tutorial at http://people.freebsd.org/~rse/mirror/, but I read the whole manual before setting it up.

There's "gmirror configure -a" ... but that is about synchronization.

Yes, and synchronization works fine.

What does gmirror info says before you forget / insert?

Hm, I'd have to reboot.

Right now it says:

Geom name: gm0
Components: 2
Balance: split
Slice: 2048
Flags: NONE
SyncID: 5
ID: 2253479574
1. Name: mirror/gm0
   Mediasize: 36778544640 (34G)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Mode: r3w3e2
1. Name: da1
   Mediasize: 36778545152 (34G)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Mode: r3w3e3
   State: ACTIVE
   Priority: 0
   Flags: DIRTY
   SyncID: 5
   ID: 4069582681
2. Name: da0
   Mediasize: 36778545152 (34G)
   Sectorsize: 512
   Mode: r3w3e3
   State: ACTIVE
   Priority: 0
   Flags: DIRTY
   SyncID: 5
   ID: 4172309470

Geom name: gm0.sync

After a reboot I only see da1 under Consumers and State is DEGRADED (Componentis are still 2, though).

My hunch is that you are not rebooting cleanly, so when the system comes up, gmirror thinks it has to re-sync the disks

I would expect this behaviour, but:
a) I am rebooting cleanly;
b) it doesn't just need resync (that happened to me on another machine), it really loses one drive/Consumer!!!

but it is not configured to do so automatically?

It is, and in fact it does, as soon as I forget/reinsert da0.

What command / process did you use to set up your mirror?

Hard to remember. I more or less followed the tutorial above.

BTW: system is 5.3p9 now

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