On 4/22/05, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In addition to what Shantanoo said, on a personal note - if Gmail gets
> blocked - that has to tell you something about the client el they have.
> Not all, but a large percentage.
> Unfortunate as it seems, when ever email is offered free of charge, it
> attracts users that are content in doing the things on the Internet that
> most of us decent folks hate.
> You know the saying, you get what you pay for... Personally, I could
> care less if Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, and any others like them never get
> removed from the spam lists.
Though im using gmail now I actually concur with this. I personally
block all mail from hotmail and yahoo, asit gets rid of all the mail i
dont want, and it's never had any detrimental effects by doing it.

Though gmail will suit me until i get my cable internet access
switched to ADSL, which should be sometime soon.


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