On Friday 22 April 2005 10:48 am, scott renna wrote:
> Has anyone had any luck in using external USB2.0
> enclosures on FreeBSD 5.3?  I've picked up 2 of them
> with different chipsets and have 2 USB2.0 to IDE
> converter cables.  My kernel has support for ehci so
> that's not an issue, but every time i plug one of
> these devices it, it's detected as da0 and a umass
> device, and I'm told data transfer is limited to
> 1Mb/s.  attempting to mount da0 doesn't work.

You have to use the disklabel tool and newfs it, of course. :) It's the same 
as using any USB drive. You might get faster speeds if you plugged it into a 
usb 2.0 port on your computer - I'm not sure what the limits are. USB HD 
enclosures are meant to be convenient, not fast. Next time, choose 
firewire. ;)

Randi Harper
URL: http://freebsdgirl.com
AIM: Randi BSD

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