On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've recently installed FreeBSD 5.0-DP2 to get myself familiar with the
> upcoming ACLs present in -CURRENT before the release itself. I've setup
> a test machine with one 45gb ide drive with one slice and two partitions
> (/ and swap) and installed FreeBSD on it. 
> dumpfs / shows that root is UFS2, and from reading
> /usr/src/sys/ufs/ufs/README.acls, I don't need to do the extattrctl
> initattr commands since ufs2 supports EA/ACLs natively. Additionally, I
> booted to single user mode and enabled ACLS on / by doing a tunefs -a
> enable /dev/ad0s1a. I proceeded to try getfacl and setfacl. 
> getfacl returned the default settings (just stat() in ACL form according
> to Robert Watson), however, no matter what I tried all I could get with
> setfacl -m g:mail:rwx testfile was: 
> setfacl: acl_get_file() failed: Operation not supported
> I thought perhaps the tunefs on the ro mount of / did not take. So
> instead I used the mount time flag in fstab: 
> /dev/ad0s1a / ufs rw,acls 1 1
> I rebooted, and tried again. Yet I still get the same error message with
> setfacl. At this point I'm stuck. Is it because I only have / and not /
> and /usr? Does UFS2 with EA/ACLs not work on boot partitions? Or did I
> misunderstand something when trying to setup ACLs in -CURRENT? Any
> advice right now would be welcomed. Thanks. 

ACLs should work fine on any UFS2 partition where ACLs are enabled.  I'm
wondering if it's actually UFS2, or if dumpfs is lying to you.  Could you
try the following command:

touch /foo
setextattr system foo foo /foo
getextattr system foo /foo

And tell me what results you get?  That will tell us if extended
attributes are available or not.

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Network Associates Laboratories

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