On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 04:37:10PM -0400, Mike Jeays wrote:
> I think I have made a horrendeous mess of my workstation.  I have been
> running 5.3 with no problem, and then I tried to csvup the ports files,
> using the following section in ports-supfile.  Note I didn't change the
> release tag!  I updated a few of the ports, including Evolution and
> Firefox, and had trouble with missing libraries, such as libgthread ..
> 400 having been rename to ..600..
> The machine now feels less stable than an old version of Windows. 
> Things like Tk.pm and other Perl modules no longer work, and won't
> reinstall.  I had to copy over the missing libraries for Evolution and
> Firefox from another machine.
> Any advice for recovery, other than a re-installation and fresh start?
> What should I do next time?

Use portupgrade to update your ports.  What you did wrong was updated
a port that provides a library without updating the ports that depend
on that library.


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