On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 09:09:19PM -0500, Christopher M. Hobbs wrote:
> Greetings list, I'm a first time poster.  I hope I get this right.
> I'm running a fresh install of 5.3-RELEASE.  Every time I attempt to 
> install anything from the ports tree, gcc fails.  Nine times out of ten 
> it states that there has been an internal error, and that I should 
> submit a bug report.
> I've considered building a different version of gcc, but I obviously 
> need a working C compiler to do that.  Are there gcc binaries for 
> FreeBSD (x86).
> Right now I'm looking to move to a STABLE branch, but I'd rather fix my 
> current problem and move on.  Is this possible, or would a fresh 
> install be my best bet?

You almost certainly have bad hardware.  This is a FAQ.


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