> The line it bitched about was something like:
> [ -x ${PREFIX}/sbin/thttpd_wrapper ] && ${PREFIX}/sbin/thttpd_wrapper & &&
> echo -n ' thttpd'
> I presume it was complaining about running a command in the background and
> then trying to use the && operator to run the following command.

Your diagnosis is correct. This change is even mentioned in 4.7 release 
notes (which I read *after* posting similar message to this list a 
few weeks ago<g>).

I don't know about thttpd_wrapper, but with my scripts (mysql_server.sh 
and pwcheck.sh) I could just remove the single & and the scripts 
started to work OK.
Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
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