On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 08:54:10AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> A compromise approach could be to do what www.php.net does.  On this site
> they have the official manual, which has the same flaws as the FBSD handbook
> (out of date pages, obtuse descriptions, ...).  In addition, postings from
> users are attached to each page.  These postings often contain information
> more pertinent to a particular query than the manual page itself.
> With this scheme, it is easy for a manual user to distinguish the "official"
> information from the information from general users.  So one can apply the
> appropriate mental filters on the information.

FWIW, enabling discussions like these on otherwise more tightly
controlled pages is fairly trivial in Plone (http://plone.org/).

If someone would like to set up a plone site with the handbook
as content, and with enabled discussions, perhaps the official
handbook pages could point to the inofficial pages which would
also contain the discussions (links like: -> user discussions)?

Wether linked to or not, the REAL problem here would be that the
handbook gets updated now and then, and keeping the plone site
(together with its discussions) in sync with the official handbook
looks like a major time sink and will soon be abandoned eventually.

> I am sure there is some monitoring and selection of posts by some
> responsible people.  But the effort involved should be considerably less
> than that required for the Wikipedia model.
> dayton


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