On 5/4/05, Karel Miklav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Hodgins wrote:
> > I have the latest Wine and Winetools installed and I am now trying to
> > install DCOM98 with the purpose of installing internet explorer 6 for
> > my web development needs.
> Have you considered using QEMU? I have it installed on an old 300MHz
> notebook. It runs Win98 perfectly and applications like IE are usable on
> this hardware.

Unfortunetly I gave up all of my windows software for FreeBSD a couple
of years ago now.  All I have is the CD that came with my laptop to
ghost windows back onto my machine.

I have emailed the port maintainer regarding this and wine is indeed
broken on FreeBSD and he does not have the knowledge to repair it. 
The wine faq actually says that none of their team use FreeBSD so
there is no support from them for it either.

I would like to see this working again if possible.  Is there even
anyone out there who has this working already who could send me a tar
of their wine directory with ie6 installed?

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