On Tue, 10 May 2005 21:15:56 +0200
Andrea Venturoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> Hello.
> As per subject: on a quite recent machine running FreeBSD 5.4, when I 
> issue "shutdown -r now" the machine powers off.
> Where do I start digging into this?

I have been wondering about this myself, so I searched for "shutdown
-p"+"freebsd"+"configuration" on google and found this:


but neither "man sysctl" nor "sysctl -Ahe" shows a variable called
hw.acpi.disable_on_poweroff . There was a slightly suspicious looking
kern.shutdown.poweroff_delay, but it's set to 5000, and I'm pretty sure
I've shut the box down and come back ten minutes later to find the
screen still saying "hit any key to reboot" or whatever it was.

Hmm. Maybe I'll play with that a little later.

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