On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 09:00:04AM +0200, Nekdo Nekje wrote:
> Hey all..
> I have a sort of question regarding FreeBSD and its port system.
> Please do bear with me, since I'm a newbie in the whole *nix world,
> especially with BSD like systems.
> My question is... Is it possible to use the latest Samba package with
> the 5.4-RELEASE? Is it absolutely necessary to upgrade the RELEASE
> distibution to -STABLE for that to work? Is using a package from the
> STABLE ports tree with the RELEASE system an insane thing to do?
> A quote from the FreeBSD HandBook: "pkg_add(1) will download the
> latest version of your application if you are using FreeBSD-CURRENT or
> FreeBSD-STABLE. If you run a -RELEASE version, it will grab the
> version of the package that was built with your release. It is
> possible to change this behavior by overriding the PACKAGESITE
> environment variable"
> So, my guess is it can be done or am I wrong?
> I wanna use  release version for my production servers, but in the
> same time I would like to use the latest available Samba package for
> FreeBSD. Is this doable??

It's mostly expected to work, although some packages are tied to a
particular kernel version and may not work on systems other than that
for which they were built.  samba should be fine though.


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