On 5/11/05, Andrew P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have a program that binds to ip:port. What are
> my options, if I want it to listen on all interfaces
> (*:port)? Let's say reconfiguring the program
> and/or running one instance per interface is
> not possible. I've got ipfw as a firewall.
> Thanks!

How about using a port forwarder or port mapper.

I think you could use ipfw and natd for it, with a divert rule, found this:

> If I want to have a port mapping on the same interface, can I do that ? 

> 8890 -> 127.0.0.: 25 ? 
> If I want to do so, what is natd command ? 
> natd -redirect_port 25? 


outip="my ip address which will be redirected" 
server="ip address redirect to" 

# for request redirect 
ipfw add 1000 divert 8888 tcp from any to ${outip} 8890 via cx0 
ipfw add 2000 divert 8888 ip from ${server} to any via cx0 

#run natd 
natd -p 8888 -n cx0 -redirect_port tcp ${server}:25 8890 
ipfw add 2500 allow tcp from any to ${server} 25 via any 


but how about this:


the port mapper will bind to *:port2 and forward to ip:port1

Carlos Alloatti
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