I recently bought a Kensington Wireless Desktop keyboard/mouse combo in the hope that it would work with a USB KVM switch. It works fine with Windows (and presumably Mac), but with FreeBSD the mouse doesn't work.

The ums driver sees the mouse and attaches:

ums0: Kensington Kensington Wireless Desktop, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2, iclass 3/1
ums0: 3 buttons and Z dir.

but moused -p /dev/ums0 -t auto doesn't get any events from the mouse.

usbdevs reports both ukbd0 and ums0 attached to /dev/usb1 port 2, address 2 and Windows says it's a USB Composite Device, which I think may be the problem.

This is with FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE with no atkbd or psm drivers in the kernel and a SiS 5571 USB controller.

Anybody have any idea how to get this working, or have a recommendation for a USB keyboard/mouse combo that will work with freeBSD and a KVM switch?

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