Colin J. Raven wrote:
> Hi all!
> I occasionally get these in my daily security run output (which is
> worrying in itself)
> Limiting closed port RST response from 1629 to 200 packets per second
> the number of these can range from one or two, to sometimes 25 - 30
> although the latter case is rarer. Usually there's about six or so.
> These don't arrive every day, usually about once per week on average.
You get those when someone nmaps you. What I do aside from FreeBSD's
builtin anti-DOS stuff is;
1. Blackholeing
2.portsentry (it is kinda a honey pot but has some pretty neat features)
> Is this an OS response to an attempted attack, limiting potential DDOS
> damage? 
yes it is. How heavily loaded is your server?
>That's how I'm reading it, but of course I'm guessing. If that
> *is* so, what mechanism is doing this?
Others have answered this question allready ;)
> FreeBSD 4.11 STABLE
> Regards & TIA
> -Colin
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