On Wed, 18 May 2005 06:32:52 +0000 (GMT)

> Patrikios wrote:
> > I say, is there a good reason why the main FreeBSD web site
> > (www.freebsd.org) is always out of date by comparison with
> > the mirrors?  Anyone relying on your main site will still
> > not know about the availability of 4.11 or 5.4.
> > 

> You must have a faulty web cache or something between you and the 
> freebsd.org site, I just checked and 5.4 and 4.11 are there for me. 
> (5.4 was there about an hour or two after it was out last week).
> -Gabe

I agree likely a cache issue. I just checked the main site and it is
in sync with the mirror I use (both show  5.4 and 4.11). You might try
reloading the main page from your browser--depending on the browser you
use you may have to hold a key down when you reload/refresh to
actually reload the page from the net rather than the cache.

I may be going out on a limb here speaking about things of which I know
little, but I would say that the situation you describe would be highly
unlikely because I suspect that the mirror pages are direct copies of
the main site, not individually updated pages (i.e only the main site is
actually edited then it is copied over to the mirrors--hence virtually
impossible for the mirrors to be more up to date than the main site.

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