On Sun, May 29, 2005 at 11:41:12AM -0700, David P. Discher wrote:
> >
> >What was wrong with the INDEX from the ISO image?
> >
> Well, maybe its not specifically INDEX, but when combining the two
> iso images in a single directory, sysinstall isn't aware that there
> is only a single, combine directory.
> Sorry ! I also left off I editted the "cdrom.inf" file, removing the  
> "CD_VOLUME" line.
> >This isn't a problem, they are two different packages coming from two
> >different ports.  Why do you think it was a problem?
> From what i can tell, both versions of perl were not
> included on the ISOs I grabbed. Though it may be that on
> the FTP sites, the INDEX file is correct and there are
> two versions of perl in "packages/"
> So, what happens, sysinstall errors, though does not fail,
> in that it can't install perl.
> And of course without the combined INDEX file, there is a bunch
> of stuff it can't find, or prompts for disk 2 (actually it says
> disk 0 is done, and needs disk 1).
> I have not tried using both CDROMs, I've been trying to do
> net-boot and installs, and NFS installs.

The INDEX file "knows" which CDROM disk image the packages are
on..talk to re@ about how this should best be solved.


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