# Vulpes Velox:
> "Jon Mercer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[ graphics tablet and FreeBSD? ]
> > Only restriction is that it has to be relatively recent (i.e. still
> > in the shops) and most of the functionality should work. PS2 or USB
> > doen't matter.
> Not sure about tablets. You may want to check on the USB list to see
> what the status of the Wacom ones are. 

USB tablets won't work, I think (see 
| I recognize that FreeBSD and similar systems have USB support; 
| however, until someone can bridge the gap between the FreeBSD 
| kernel and the XFree86 driver, the problem is largely unsolved.

I've googled quite extensively for that a while back and came up
with pretty much nothing (except for some posters whose questions
about tablets remained unanswered).

I'd actually love to be proved wrong here. ;)

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