On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 23:50:47 EDT, Kris Kennaway scribbled these
curious markings:
> Could be..do a backup just in case.  Also try the smartmontools port
> to see if the HD has recorded any defects.

I've retrieved all important data from the disk, and running smartctl's
extended test on both disks reports no errors. Nor do the disks have any
errors logged, and the boot-up SMART check also states both disks as

> In order to begin to diagnose the panic you need to obtain the
> information described in the developers handbook chapter on kernel
> debugging.

I've got a debug kernel running now, and will attempt a buildworld
again. Thanks for the response; I'll be sure to report everything I find
with any (hopefully nonexistent :) future panics.

Best regards,
Christopher Nehren
I abhor a system designed for the "user", if that word is a coded
pejorative meaning "stupid and unsophisticated". -- Ken Thompson
If you ask the wrong people questions, you get "Joel on Software".
Unix is user friendly. However, it isn't idiot friendly.

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