On Jun 16, 2005, at 7:45 PM, Björn König wrote:

Hello Anthony,

I suggest to try it without optimizations first. I had problems with many ports using -march=pentium3 or even -mtune=pentium3.



Thank you for the reply. Out of curiosity, if I were to optimize for i686 as opposed to Pentium 3, would that help fix the problem (and if so, what kind of speed difference would there be)? Is there even much of a speed bump using this march setting or is it just not worth having at all? I noticed that several compiles in there used the -O2 optimization which I did not specify, so I know that the Port uses some custom optimization; could these also be a culprit? What optimization settings do you all recommend for such a system:

Pentium III 450 MHz // 320 MB RAM

Thank you again for your help.

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