On Jun 27, 2005, at 11:01 AM, Michael C. Shultz wrote:

On Monday 27 June 2005 07:32, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
There seems to be a dependency loop occuring on our server when trying
to do an upgrade; is there a way to force the update and rebuild
dependencies? Below is a snippet of output (please let me know if more
of the update info is needed...)


Bart, not sure why SpamAssassin is loop ing in your case but here is what I
would try:


Would that rebuild the dependencies?

I should also point out that I'm not sure it was a portmanger problem, it just appeared while portmanager was doing the upgrade.

I also should note that I think Perl updated; I couldn't do the first manual make deinstall && make reinstall of a perl module needed to do the update until I re-ran use.perl port. I then had to manually make deinstall && make reinstall several p5 modules needed by the spamassassin system.

I'm wondering if "recompiling" the p5 modules spamassassin uses would fix the problem, but don't know the command off the top of my head to do so, and trying a portupgrade -Rr amavisd-new does nothing.

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