I would have to say that, for what you are trying to do, you are going
the long way about it. If I was to be stuck having to this, I would
make a php/perl script with web GUI that just pares out the users
subjects and adds a check box and delete button. Security can be
implemented  in so many ways with Apache that I would recommend that
you read the Apache manual. I would go so far as setting an IP alias
on the interface and limiting the networks that can access the script.
Or just lock the shell access correctly.


On 7/5/05, Matt Juszczak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We're an ISP, and we are currently looking for a way for our tech support
> guys to access customer's email without having shell access to the server,
> or knowing the customer's password.
> We'd like to install a custom webmail client on our private internal LAN
> webserver that would only show the user's inbox and the ability to delete
> the messages (couldn't read messages, etc.).  The problem is that we would
> have to know the user's password in order for my PHP script to go out and
> fetch the mail.
> Is there a way I can setup and/or patch one of the POP3 clients (of course
> I would firewall this and do an SSH tunnel with the pop3d running on
> localhost only on the mail server, so I would keep things secure) so that
> it could be given any random password and would authenticate?
> Or is this some kind of patch I would need to write?  Maybe a better
> option would be to write a custom client/server interface via ssh to
> interact with the mail spool (possibly calling "mail" over ssh remotely,
> with public/private key authentication and sudo access to mail for the
> remote account)....
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Matt
> PS: I can admit that I originally posted this to the dovecot mailing list,
> but am now seeing it might be a system-related issue vs. a pop3 daemon
> issue.
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