Efren Bravo wrote:

Al last I could enter to freeBSD by SSH. After I erased all inetd_enable="YES" instances except one. Also I downloaded the PuTTY client. I had to create other user to connect myself to freeBSD because it doesn't leave me as root user.
How do I to connect myself to freeBSD by ssh as root?

you really should not. but if you abosolutely want to, you can modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add PermitRootLogin Yes, its either commented out andn/or set to no, the default. If this is open to any other traffic except for local lan, then just use the better approach....

ssh in and then `su - ` and enter roots password. of course to do this, you must have entered your other user as part of group 'wheel'



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