FreeBSD 5.4 Release
Kernel is generic with SMP and Quotas

I was monitoring the system while running make and i noticed that the Free Memory would slowly tick down while make is running I figured that was normal. However when it was finished it did not return the Memory to Free Status.

It must reclaim some RAM because It never touches the swap when I launch a program. This is a sever not in production yet it has no user base and no load so I don't see a reason for this.

here is an output from w
5:29PM  up 1 day,  7:49, 2 users, load averages: 0.01, 0.03, 0.00

I am curious why FreeBSD does not free the Inactive RAM? Is this Normal? If so does it ever reclaim the RAM?

here is the output from top
Mem: 102M Active, 1661M Inact, 156M Wired, 8604K Cache, 112M Buf, 75M Free

Swap: 5120M Total, 5120M Free
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