On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 03:47:10PM -0400, "Marc G. Fournier"

> > Hardly any traffic... it's an internal dev machine hit by about 10
> > people...
> 101 Jails:
> last pid: 13467;  load averages: 21.09, 13.50, 19.54    up 17+12:23:50  13:43:55
> 1576 processes:4 running, 1572 sleeping
> CPU states: 59.0% user,  0.0% nice,  9.0% system,  0.0% interrupt, 32.1% idle
> Mem: 2553M Active, 649M Inact, 474M Wired, 157M Cache, 199M Buf, 9120K Free
> Swap: 3072M Total, 184M Used, 2888M Free, 5% Inuse
> I think I peaked that machine around 196 jails at one point, before we picked
> up a second server as well as before we were able to do multiple domains
> per VM cleaner then one jail each ...
> the load average is mis-leading, as I've seen it hit as high as 1000 and still
> allow me to type on the machine, in order to rectify the problem process(es) ...
> God, I love FreeBSD :)

Sounds like really good -advocacy material :-) The guys over there
will happily morph it into big marketing buzz, I'm sure :)

Vallo Kallaste

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