On Sun, 17 Jul 2005, Ray Jenson wrote:
> Here's where Brian Tao comes in: we'd like permission to use the
> demon on our web site when directly linked to BSD, as well as a
> composite graphic (sample is attached) that would show the devil
> alongside other logos, such as Tux, the Red Hat logo, and
> Microsoft's Windows logo.

    Sorry folks, just got back from a two-week trip to China and I'm
just catching up on things now.  I've relocated Ray's e-mail
attachment here, in case it was stripped out of the freebsd-questions:


    Ray, I only created some of the "Powered by..." graphics seen at
the bottom of http://www.freebsd.org/art.html , which you are not
using (and thus do not need my permission).  Certain likenesses of the
BSD Daemon are copyrighted by Marshall Kirk McKusick, as others have
pointed out... I encourage you to contact Kirk about your venture, as
he may be able to provide better source material for you.
Brian Tao (BT300, [EMAIL PROTECTED])
"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"

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