On July 18, 2005 07:26 pm, Jerry Tarwid wrote:
> I have installed FreeBSD on a box with Windows XP & I installed the FreeBSD
> Boot manager. My question is how do I get rid of the boot manager??? I want
> to uninstall FreeBSD & uninstall the boot manager so my computer will just
> boot windows. I have 2 SATA hard drives, drive 1 has XP on it & drive 2 has
> XP 64 & FreeBSD. I'm using NTFS on both Windows drives. When I installed
> FreeBSD I installed the boot manager & was able to boot into all 3 os's. I
> uninstalled FreeBSD & booted to recovery console & did "fixboot" & "fixmbr"
> & when I tried to boot up I get "boot failure" like the FreeBSD boot
> manager left something in the mbr that fixmbr can't overwrite??? I
> re-installed FreeBSD with the boot manager & am able to boot to all 3 os's
> once again. Can anyone help me???
> Thanks,
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Try from the command console (in XP or bootable disk):
"fdisk /mbr"

FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #4: Sat Jul 16 11:11:37 EDT 2005     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CLK01A 
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