David Kelly wrote:

/var/log/maillog is spayed full of the following message repeated hundreds or thousands of times. No matter if the courier-imap port is with or with out FAM.

Jul 18 19:44:19 Grumpy imapd: Failed to create cache file: maildirwatch (dkelly)
Jul 18 19:44:19 Grumpy imapd: Error: Input/output error
Jul 18 19:44:19 Grumpy imapd: Check for proper operation and configuration
Jul 18 19:44:19 Grumpy imapd: of the File Access Monitor daemon (famd).

The only client used is Apple's Mail.app. This has been going on for the past year. Sometimes in spite of the error log messages all seems to be Good Enough. Then other times Mail.app can't hold a connection.

Elsewhere found a suggestion that the following in my FreeBSD-hosted Maildir would help, but has not:

% cd Maildir
% ln -s . .INBOX
% ln -s . .INBOX.

Just now when I deleted the above symbolic links, my mail downloaded altho there is another of the above imapd error messages in maillog, apparently one for each mailbox message downloaded.

When ever Mail.app gets stuck it seems like all is needed is for the mailbox directory to change somehow, or a message or two downloaded, deleted or something, then Mail.app is perfectly happy.

Bulk in maillog is nothing but a nuisance. Failed connection is worse. How the heck is fam supposed to be configured? Or how the heck can I get rid of it?

The mail/courier-imap port installs famd as a dependency, but You have to manually configure and start it. Take a look at /usr/local/etc/fam.conf. Anyway, this is a deficiency in the new versions of courier-imap. There isn't some kind of --without-fam configure options, the new versions require fam. As for me, I had the same problem with it. My maillog was full of junk, but I didn't notice any kind of error. I could use imap well, but the junk in my log was very annoying, so I applied a little hack. I did "make patch" and found the logging part of the source code and simply deleted those lines. Now, I had a well-working mail system and there isn't such junk in my maillog.


Gábor Kövesdán
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