On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 10:03:21AM +0800, Kun Niu wrote:
> Dear freebsd users,
> I've got such a strange question.
> I can start my xwindow.
> But each time I use mozilla bundled with my 5.3 release.
> I found the error "no window found error"

This is normal, and is not really an error per se.  The Mozilla port is 
actually run from a script, which first checks for an already running 
instance before launching a new browser.

> It also strange that I can start x, but I can't get startkde run.
> I really installed kde on my computer.
> Can anyone give any hints?

If you could post the error messages you're getting when you try to start 
KDE, perhaps someone could tell you what's wrong.

Conrad J. Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- "In Unix veritas"
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