On Tuesday 19 July 2005 10:14 am, Rommi Alvian (MTHK/EDP) wrote:
>  I am deeply interested with freeBSD. currently, i am a windows expert
> then i am trying to move into freeBSD. The problem is no one can teach
> me. i have read xxxguide but it can't help me. does freeBSD support
> GUI interface?

How far have you gotten with your FreeBSD install? What version are you 
trying to install? What books/guides have you read?

> please help step by step..

The more information we have, the better we can help you :-)

> thanks

Thank you for trying FreeBSD!

> alvian


P.S. I had a lot of trouble in the beginning too. I got a lot of good 
help from this mailing list. Now I have two fully-functioning installs 
- a desktop (Dell Dimesion 2400) and a laptop (Dell Latitude C600). It 
can be done and is well worth the effort :-)
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