On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 15:20:11 +0800, Norberto Meijome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bruno Gallant wrote:
 We are redesigning our DNS infrastructure, which has been running on
BIND with the regular flat files for years, and there would be a need
for the data to be in a database. (postgresql or mysql, of course)

On a similar thread, does anyone know of any dns server software that would serve different IPs depending on where the query/request comes from? i.e., - resolve www.mydomain.com to the IP of my server in AU for all clients querying from AU,JP and HK. Everyone else should get the IP for my server in US.

Akamai provide this service (amongst other cool services of course :) ) I think ultradns may do this too. Both use, AFAIK, proprietary solutions.


It may be possible to use BIND9 feature of allowing certain IP ranges to only query certain zone files.

The only issue I foresee is having to have slightly different zone names that you wish to serve for each IP range.

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