Jörg Reisenweber wrote:
> pw groupadd mysql ; pw useradd mysql -g mysql

Thanks for providing the correct usage of "pw useradd". 

At first sight, I thought your "pw useradd mysql -g mysql" is a typo, which 
misplaced the first "mysql" and "-g" option, so I used "pw useradd -g mysql 
mysql", but got an error saying "pw: user name or id required"

Then I "man pw", and found the usage of (pw) user add is a little different 
from the standard ones: 
pw [-V etcdir] useradd [name|uid] [-C config] [-q] [-n name] [-u uid]
   [-c comment] [-d dir] [-e date] [-p date] [-g group] [-G grouplist]
   [-m] [-k dir] [-w method] [-s shell] [-o] [-L class] [-h fd | -H fd]
   [-N] [-P] [-Y]

In FreeBSD, it should be "pw useradd username -g groupname", and not "pw 
useradd -g groupname username". 

Last but not least, thanks for everyone who helped me in this thread. 

Xu Qiang

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